20231204 | 20231211 | 20231218 | 20231225 | 20240101 | 20240108 | 20240115 | 20240122 | 20240129 | 20240205 | 20240212 | 20240219 | 20240226 | 20240304 | 20240311 | github | description |
24 | 1 | Ryujinx/Ryujinx | Experimental Nintendo Switch Emulator written in C# | |||||||||||||
2 | abi/screenshot-to-code | Drop in a screenshot and convert it to clean code (HTML/Tailwind/React/Vue) | ||||||||||||||
3 | naver/dust3r | |||||||||||||||
4 | layerdiffusion/sd-forge-layerdiffuse | [WIP] Layer Diffusion for WebUI (via Forge) | ||||||||||||||
5 | atherosai/ui | Simple UI examples from my social media | ||||||||||||||
6 | ente-io/ente | Fully open source, End to End Encrypted alternative to Google Photos and Apple Photos | ||||||||||||||
7 | 7 | microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners | 18 Lessons, Get Started Building with Generative AI 🔗 https://microsoft.github.io/generative-ai-for-beginners/ | |||||||||||||
16 | 23 | 8 | nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim | A launch point for your personal nvim configuration | ||||||||||||
9 | dockur/windows | Windows in a Docker container. | ||||||||||||||
10 | microsoft/AI-For-Beginners | 12 Weeks, 24 Lessons, AI for All! | ||||||||||||||
11 | bigcode-project/starcoder2 | Home of StarCoder2! | ||||||||||||||
12 | cloudflare/pingora | A library for building fast, reliable and evolvable network services. | ||||||||||||||
13 | barry-ran/QtScrcpy | Android real-time display control software | ||||||||||||||
2 | 14 | rasbt/LLMs-from-scratch | Implementing a ChatGPT-like LLM from scratch, step by step | |||||||||||||
17 | 15 | 15 | openai-translator/openai-translator | 基于 ChatGPT API 的划词翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面端应用 - Browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on ChatGPT API. | ||||||||||||
16 | microsoft/Security-101 | 7 Lessons, Kick-start Your Cybersecurity Learning. | ||||||||||||||
17 | dolphin-emu/dolphin | Dolphin is a GameCube / Wii emulator, allowing you to play games for these two platforms on PC with improvements. | ||||||||||||||
18 | yangjian102621/chatgpt-plus | AI 助手全套开源解决方案,自带运营管理后台,开箱即用。集成了 ChatGPT, Azure, ChatGLM,讯飞星火,文心一言等多个平台的大语言模型。支持 MJ AI 绘画,Stable Diffusion AI 绘画,微博热搜等插件工具。采用 Go + Vue3 + element-plus 实现。 | ||||||||||||||
11 | 10 | 19 | gunnarmorling/1brc | 1️⃣🐝🏎️ The One Billion Row Challenge – A fun exploration of how quickly 1B rows from a text file can be aggregated with Java | ||||||||||||
20 | wasp-lang/wasp | The fastest way to develop full-stack web apps with React & Node.js. | ||||||||||||||
21 | Lissy93/web-check | 🕵️♂️ All-in-one OSINT tool for analysing any website | ||||||||||||||
22 | QuivrHQ/quivr | Your GenAI Second Brain 🧠 A personal productivity assistant (RAG) ⚡️🤖 Chat with your docs (PDF, CSV, …) & apps using Langchain, GPT 3.5 / 4 turbo, Private, Anthropic, VertexAI, Ollama, LLMs, that you can share with users ! Local & Private alternative to OpenAI GPTs & ChatGPT powered by retrieval-augmented generation. | ||||||||||||||
23 | snipe/snipe-it | A free open source IT asset/license management system | ||||||||||||||
24 | pineappleEA/pineapple-src | A former citrus fruit-named emulator’s Early Access source code | ||||||||||||||
25 | langchain4j/langchain4j | Java version of LangChain |
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14 | 12 | 1 | Genymobile/scrcpy | Display and control your Android device | ||||||||||||
22 | 6 | 2 | jart/cosmopolitan | build-once run-anywhere c library | ||||||||||||
13 | 23 | 19 | 3 | littlefs-project/littlefs | A little fail-safe filesystem designed for microcontrollers | |||||||||||
7 | 13 | 5 | 4 | FFmpeg/FFmpeg | Mirror of https://git.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git | |||||||||||
11 | 5 | OISF/suricata | Suricata is a network Intrusion Detection System, Intrusion Prevention System and Network Security Monitoring engine developed by the OISF and the Suricata community. | |||||||||||||
5 | 17 | 15 | 14 | 6 | kingToolbox/WindTerm | A professional cross-platform SSH/Sftp/Shell/Telnet/Serial terminal. | ||||||||||
19 | 7 | Klipper3d/klipper | Klipper is a 3d-printer firmware | |||||||||||||
25 | 6 | 21 | 22 | 16 | 8 | n0xa/m5stick-nemo | M5 Stick C firmware for high-tech pranks | |||||||||
20 | 21 | 9 | libevent/libevent | Event notification library | ||||||||||||
13 | 10 | NVIDIA/cuda-samples | Samples for CUDA Developers which demonstrates features in CUDA Toolkit | |||||||||||||
7 | 11 | cloudwu/skynet | A lightweight online game framework | |||||||||||||
2 | 12 | u-boot/u-boot | “Das U-Boot” Source Tree | |||||||||||||
6 | 10 | 13 | BitMaker-hub/NerdMiner_v2 | Improved version of first ESP32 NerdMiner | ||||||||||||
24 | 20 | 14 | guanzhi/GmSSL | 支持国密SM2/SM3/SM4/SM9/SSL的密码工具箱 | ||||||||||||
23 | 15 | redis/redis | Redis is an in-memory database that persists on disk. The data model is key-value, but many different kind of values are supported: Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, Streams, HyperLogLogs, Bitmaps. | |||||||||||||
16 | mackron/miniaudio | Audio playback and capture library written in C, in a single source file. | ||||||||||||||
19 | 17 | sonic-net/sonic-buildimage | Scripts which perform an installable binary image build for SONiC | |||||||||||||
16 | 10 | 16 | 24 | 18 | iNavFlight/inav | INAV: Navigation-enabled flight control software | ||||||||||
19 | EdgeTX/edgetx | EdgeTX is the cutting edge open source firmware for your R/C radio | ||||||||||||||
22 | 20 | RT-Thread/rt-thread | RT-Thread is an open source IoT real-time operating system (RTOS). | |||||||||||||
14 | 20 | 21 | qemu/qemu | Official QEMU mirror. Please see https://www.qemu.org/contribute/ for how to submit changes to QEMU. Pull Requests are ignored. Please only use release tarballs from the QEMU website. | ||||||||||||
15 | 22 | mgba-emu/mgba | mGBA Game Boy Advance Emulator | |||||||||||||
23 | 3 | 23 | Mbed-TLS/mbedtls | An open source, portable, easy to use, readable and flexible TLS library, and reference implementation of the PSA Cryptography API. Releases are on a varying cadence, typically around 3 - 6 months between releases. | ||||||||||||
6 | 24 | taosdata/TDengine | TDengine is an open source, high-performance, cloud native time-series database optimized for Internet of Things (IoT), Connected Cars, Industrial IoT and DevOps. | |||||||||||||
23 | 24 | 22 | 12 | 25 | nanopb/nanopb | Protocol Buffers with small code size |
20231204 | 20231211 | 20231218 | 20231225 | 20240101 | 20240108 | 20240115 | 20240122 | 20240129 | 20240205 | 20240212 | 20240219 | 20240226 | 20240304 | 20240311 | github | description |
22 | 9 | 1 | 1 | Ryujinx/Ryujinx | Experimental Nintendo Switch Emulator written in C# | |||||||||||
17 | 6 | 2 | Unity-Technologies/EntityComponentSystemSamples | |||||||||||||
24 | 3 | 23 | 12 | 16 | 5 | 3 | Azure/azure-sdk-for-net | This repository is for active development of the Azure SDK for .NET. For consumers of the SDK we recommend visiting our public developer docs at https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/azure/ or our versioned developer docs at https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk-for-net. | ||||||||
16 | 2 | 10 | 2 | 4 | 7 | 4 | YSGStudyHards/DotNetGuide | 🐱🚀【C#/.NET/.NET Core学习、工作、面试指南】记录、收集和总结C#/.NET/.NET Core基础知识、学习路线、开发实战、学习视频、文章、书籍、项目框架、社区组织、开发必备工具、常见面试题、面试须知、简历模板、以及自己在学习和工作中的一些微薄见解。希望能和大家一起学习,共同进步👊【让现在的自己不再迷茫✨,如果本知识库能为您提供帮助,别忘了给予支持哦(关注、点赞、分享)💖】。 | ||||||||
1 | 5 | 1 | 21 | 5 | microsoft/PowerToys | Windows system utilities to maximize productivity | ||||||||||
18 | 6 | BeyondDimension/SteamTools | 🛠「Watt Toolkit」是一个开源跨平台的多功能 Steam 工具箱。 | |||||||||||||
23 | 1 | 2 | 5 | 7 | dotnet/maui | .NET MAUI is the .NET Multi-platform App UI, a framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop. | ||||||||||
25 | 15 | 8 | egametang/ET | Unity3D Client And C# Server Framework | ||||||||||||
9 | VeritasSoftware/AspNetCore.ApiGateway | Asp Net Core Api Gateway Framework | ||||||||||||||
11 | 12 | 10 | microsoft/kernel-memory | Index and query any data using LLM and natural language, tracking sources and showing citations. | ||||||||||||
11 | marticliment/WingetUI | WingetUI: A better UI for your package managers | ||||||||||||||
22 | 12 | radzenhq/radzen-blazor | Radzen Blazor is a set of 70+ free native Blazor UI components packed with DataGrid, Scheduler, Charts and robust theming including Material design and FluentUI. | |||||||||||||
8 | 19 | 2 | 2 | 13 | 2dust/v2rayN | A GUI client for Windows, support Xray core and v2fly core and others | ||||||||||
7 | 11 | 1 | 14 | ardalis/CleanArchitecture | Clean Architecture Solution Template: A starting point for Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core | |||||||||||
8 | 6 | 10 | 15 | btcpayserver/btcpayserver | Accept Bitcoin payments. Free, open-source & self-hosted, Bitcoin payment processor. | |||||||||||
14 | 13 | 19 | 14 | 16 | dotnet/efcore | EF Core is a modern object-database mapper for .NET. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations. | ||||||||||
17 | tylearymf/UniHacker | Patch all versions of Unity3D and UnityHub for Windows, MacOS, Linux and Docker. | ||||||||||||||
18 | aspnetboilerplate/aspnetboilerplate | ASP.NET Boilerplate - Web Application Framework | ||||||||||||||
5 | 4 | 3 | 25 | 19 | kgrzybek/modular-monolith-with-ddd | Full Modular Monolith application with Domain-Driven Design approach. | ||||||||||
24 | 6 | 9 | 11 | 6 | 13 | 20 | leiurayer/downkyi | 哔哩下载姬downkyi,哔哩哔哩网站视频下载工具,支持批量下载,支持8K、HDR、杜比视界,提供工具箱(音视频提取、去水印等)。 | ||||||||
20 | 12 | 24 | 21 | MudBlazor/MudBlazor | Blazor Component Library based on Material design with an emphasis on ease of use. Mainly written in C# with Javascript kept to a bare minimum it empowers .NET developers to easily debug it if needed. | |||||||||||
22 | ResetXPDR/MSFS2020_AutoFPS | A simple utility for MSFS to automatically adjust key settings to improve performance and smoothness. | ||||||||||||||
25 | 23 | OpenRA/OpenRA | Open Source real-time strategy game engine for early Westwood games such as Command & Conquer: Red Alert written in C# using SDL and OpenGL. Runs on Windows, Linux, *BSD and Mac OS X. | |||||||||||||
13 | 18 | 24 | NickeManarin/ScreenToGif | 🎬 ScreenToGif allows you to record a selected area of your screen, edit and save it as a gif or video. | ||||||||||||
25 | Tichau/FileConverter | File Converter is a very simple tool which allows you to convert and compress files using the context menu in windows explorer. |
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8 | 23 | 1 | dolphin-emu/dolphin | Dolphin is a GameCube / Wii emulator, allowing you to play games for these two platforms on PC with improvements. | ||||||||||||
2 | pineappleEA/pineapple-src | A former citrus fruit-named emulator’s Early Access source code | ||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 3 | SoftFever/OrcaSlicer | G-code generator for 3D printers (Bambu, Prusa, Voron, VzBot, RatRig, Creality, etc.) | ||||||||||||
4 | electron/electron | Build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS | ||||||||||||||
16 | 5 | organicmaps/organicmaps | 🍃 Organic Maps is a free Android & iOS offline maps app for travelers, tourists, hikers, and cyclists. It uses crowd-sourced OpenStreetMap data and is developed with love by MapsWithMe (MapsMe) founders and our community. No ads, no tracking, no data collection, no crapware. Please donate to support the development! | |||||||||||||
15 | 5 | 6 | Light-City/CPlusPlusThings | C++那些事 | ||||||||||||
25 | 7 | qinguoyi/TinyWebServer | 🔥 Linux下C++轻量级WebServer服务器 | |||||||||||||
8 | davisking/dlib | A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications in C++ | ||||||||||||||
9 | Atmosphere-NX/Atmosphere | Atmosphère is a work-in-progress customized firmware for the Nintendo Switch. | ||||||||||||||
13 | 10 | gabime/spdlog | Fast C++ logging library. | |||||||||||||
5 | 11 | ethereum/solidity | Solidity, the Smart Contract Programming Language | |||||||||||||
21 | 21 | 13 | 12 | strato-emu/strato | Run Nintendo Switch homebrew & games on your Android device! | |||||||||||
13 | envoyproxy/envoy | Cloud-native high-performance edge/middle/service proxy | ||||||||||||||
14 | cemu-project/Cemu | Cemu - Wii U emulator | ||||||||||||||
23 | 15 | jbeder/yaml-cpp | A YAML parser and emitter in C++ | |||||||||||||
20 | 16 | Tencent/MMKV | An efficient, small mobile key-value storage framework developed by WeChat. Works on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and POSIX. | |||||||||||||
21 | 25 | 17 | LizardByte/Sunshine | Self-hosted game stream host for Moonlight. | ||||||||||||
4 | 18 | manticoresoftware/manticoresearch | Easy to use open source fast database for search | |||||||||||||
16 | 19 | huihut/interview | 📚 C/C++ 技术面试基础知识总结,包括语言、程序库、数据结构、算法、系统、网络、链接装载库等知识及面试经验、招聘、内推等信息。This repository is a summary of the basic knowledge of recruiting job seekers and beginners in the direction of C/C++ technology, including language, program library, data structure, algorithm, system, network, link loading library, interview experience, recruitment, recommendation… | |||||||||||||
9 | 20 | 20 | pybind/pybind11 | Seamless operability between C++11 and Python | ||||||||||||
7 | 20 | 21 | google/leveldb | LevelDB is a fast key-value storage library written at Google that provides an ordered mapping from string keys to string values. | ||||||||||||
10 | 22 | apache/brpc | brpc is an Industrial-grade RPC framework using C++ Language, which is often used in high performance system such as Search, Storage, Machine learning, Advertisement, Recommendation etc. “brpc” means “better RPC”. | |||||||||||||
1 | 14 | 17 | 23 | nlohmann/json | JSON for Modern C++ | |||||||||||
24 | UZ-SLAMLab/ORB_SLAM3 | ORB-SLAM3: An Accurate Open-Source Library for Visual, Visual-Inertial and Multi-Map SLAM | ||||||||||||||
20 | 2 | 16 | 25 | fmtlib/fmt | A modern formatting library |
20231204 | 20231211 | 20231218 | 20231225 | 20240101 | 20240108 | 20240115 | 20240122 | 20240129 | 20240205 | 20240212 | 20240219 | 20240226 | 20240304 | 20240311 | github | description |
24 | 1 | stefanprodan/podinfo | Go microservice template for Kubernetes | |||||||||||||
7 | 14 | 18 | 2 | alist-org/alist | 🗂️A file list/WebDAV program that supports multiple storages, powered by Gin and Solidjs. / 一个支持多存储的文件列表/WebDAV程序,使用 Gin 和 Solidjs。 | |||||||||||
20 | 14 | 5 | 17 | 2 | 2 | 3 | ollama/ollama | Get up and running with Llama 2, Mistral, Gemma, and other large language models. | ||||||||
4 | go-task/task | A task runner / simpler Make alternative written in Go | ||||||||||||||
5 | binwiederhier/ntfy | Send push notifications to your phone or desktop using PUT/POST | ||||||||||||||
11 | 6 | siderolabs/talos | Talos Linux is a modern Linux distribution built for Kubernetes. | |||||||||||||
7 | ent/ent | An entity framework for Go | ||||||||||||||
8 | earthly/earthly | Super simple build framework with fast, repeatable builds and an instantly familiar syntax – like Dockerfile and Makefile had a baby. | ||||||||||||||
8 | 9 | apernet/hysteria | Hysteria is a powerful, lightning fast and censorship resistant proxy. | |||||||||||||
19 | 10 | fyne-io/fyne | Cross platform GUI toolkit in Go inspired by Material Design | |||||||||||||
6 | 9 | 11 | fatedier/frp | A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet. | ||||||||||||
12 | openfga/openfga | A high performance and flexible authorization/permission engine built for developers and inspired by Google Zanzibar | ||||||||||||||
10 | 16 | 13 | btcsuite/btcd | An alternative full node bitcoin implementation written in Go (golang) | ||||||||||||
24 | 17 | 14 | milvus-io/milvus | A cloud-native vector database, storage for next generation AI applications | ||||||||||||
15 | version-fox/vfox | A cross-platform and extendable version manager with support for Java, Node.js, Flutter, .Net & more | ||||||||||||||
16 | gofiber/fiber | ⚡️ Express inspired web framework written in Go | ||||||||||||||
6 | 4 | 17 | bytebase/bytebase | The GitLab/GitHub for database DevOps. World’s most advanced database DevOps and CI/CD for Developer, DBA and Platform Engineering teams. | ||||||||||||
18 | argoproj/argo-cd | Declarative Continuous Deployment for Kubernetes | ||||||||||||||
13 | 19 | cosmos/cosmos-sdk | ⛓️ A Framework for Building High Value Public Blockchains ✨ | |||||||||||||
20 | lionsoul2014/ip2region | Ip2region (2.0 - xdb) is a offline IP address manager framework and locator, support billions of data segments, ten microsecond searching performance. xdb engine implementation for many programming languages | ||||||||||||||
7 | 21 | zeromicro/go-zero | A cloud-native Go microservices framework with cli tool for productivity. | |||||||||||||
22 | kubevirt/kubevirt | Kubernetes Virtualization API and runtime in order to define and manage virtual machines. | ||||||||||||||
23 | ledgerwatch/erigon | Ethereum implementation on the efficiency frontier | ||||||||||||||
24 | XIU2/CloudflareSpeedTest | 🌩「自选优选 IP」测试 Cloudflare CDN 延迟和速度,获取最快 IP !当然也支持其他 CDN / 网站 IP ~ | ||||||||||||||
25 | pingcap/tidb | TiDB is an open-source, cloud-native, distributed, MySQL-Compatible database for elastic scale and real-time analytics. Try AI-powered Chat2Query free at : https://tidbcloud.com/free-trial |
20231204 | 20231211 | 20231218 | 20231225 | 20240101 | 20240108 | 20240115 | 20240122 | 20240129 | 20240205 | 20240212 | 20240219 | 20240226 | 20240304 | 20240311 | github | description |
1 | 8 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 1 | atherosai/ui | Simple UI examples from my social media | |||||||||
21 | 10 | 1 | 5 | 8 | 15 | 2 | tailwindlabs/tailwindcss | A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development. | ||||||||
6 | 3 | 14 | 3 | solidjs/solid-start | SolidStart, the Solid app framework | |||||||||||
6 | 8 | 10 | 11 | 24 | 18 | 4 | hehonghui/awesome-english-ebooks | 经济学人(含音频)、纽约客、卫报、连线、大西洋月刊等英语杂志免费下载,支持epub、mobi、pdf格式, 每周更新 | ||||||||
2 | 6 | 2 | 5 | microsoft/ML-For-Beginners | 12 weeks, 26 lessons, 52 quizzes, classic Machine Learning for all | |||||||||||
20 | 7 | 6 | fengdu78/Coursera-ML-AndrewNg-Notes | 吴恩达老师的机器学习课程个人笔记 | ||||||||||||
7 | filip-michalsky/SalesGPT | Context-aware AI Sales Agent to automate sales outreach. | ||||||||||||||
21 | 8 | solygambas/html-css-javascript-projects | 100+ mini web projects using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. | |||||||||||||
18 | 21 | 9 | cypress-io/cypress-example-kitchensink | This is an example app used to showcase Cypress.io testing. | ||||||||||||
10 | fengdu78/deeplearning_ai_books | deeplearning.ai(吴恩达老师的深度学习课程笔记及资源) | ||||||||||||||
11 | Chuyu-Team/Dism-Multi-language | Dism++ Multi-language Support & BUG Report | ||||||||||||||
2 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 12 | PKUFlyingPig/cs-self-learning | 计算机自学指南 | ||||||||||
7 | 18 | 13 | docker/awesome-compose | Awesome Docker Compose samples | ||||||||||||
15 | 14 | 2 | 18 | 4 | 15 | 11 | 14 | f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts | This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT better. | |||||||
14 | 12 | 9 | 15 | delta-io/delta | An open-source storage framework that enables building a Lakehouse architecture with compute engines including Spark, PrestoDB, Flink, Trino, and Hive and APIs | |||||||||||
18 | 9 | 16 | PKUanonym/REKCARC-TSC-UHT | 清华大学计算机系课程攻略 Guidance for courses in Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University | ||||||||||||
19 | 9 | 14 | 13 | 4 | 1 | 24 | 17 | 3 | 17 | CodeWithHarry/Sigma-Web-Dev-Course | Source Code for Sigma Web Development Course | |||||
18 | yuzu-emu/yuzu-emu.github.io | Website source code | ||||||||||||||
10 | 25 | 19 | rdkit/rdkit | The official sources for the RDKit library | ||||||||||||
9 | 20 | MiyakoYakota/search.0t.rocks | ||||||||||||||
21 | xiaomabenten/system_architect | 💯2024年 系统架构设计师(软考高级)备考资源库+配套免费刷题软件。PC版免费刷题软件:https://ruankaodaren.com | ||||||||||||||
5 | 6 | 7 | 10 | 22 | QSCTech/zju-icicles | 浙江大学课程攻略共享计划 | ||||||||||
23 | TypingMind/typingmind | The most advanced Web UI for AI chat | ||||||||||||||
24 | mksshare/mksshare.github.io | 每日分享免费节点,免费机场,ssr节点,v2ray节点,v2ray订阅,clash节点,clash订阅,shadowrocket订阅,Quantumult X订阅,Clash .NET订阅,小火箭节点,小猫咪节点,免费翻墙,免费科学上网,免费梯子,免费trojan节点,蓝灯,谷歌商店,翻墙梯子,安卓VPN,iphone翻墙节点,iphone vpn,节点分享,免费SSR,蓝灯,谷歌商店,V2ary免费节点,代理,proxy代理科学上网,TG代理,电报代理,Telegram代理,翻墙软件,破解VPN,机场推荐,节点订阅,chatgpt节点,chatgpt机场,chatgpt代理 | ||||||||||||||
25 | RayTracing/raytracing.github.io | Main Web Site (Online Books) |
20231204 | 20231211 | 20231218 | 20231225 | 20240101 | 20240108 | 20240115 | 20240122 | 20240129 | 20240205 | 20240212 | 20240219 | 20240226 | 20240304 | 20240311 | github | description |
25 | 15 | 7 | 1 | barry-ran/QtScrcpy | Android real-time display control software | |||||||||||
2 | 1 | 2 | gunnarmorling/1brc | 1️⃣🐝🏎️ The One Billion Row Challenge – A fun exploration of how quickly 1B rows from a text file can be aggregated with Java | ||||||||||||
17 | 19 | 9 | 7 | 21 | 3 | langchain4j/langchain4j | Java version of LangChain | |||||||||
4 | apache/flink-cdc | CDC Connectors for Apache Flink® | ||||||||||||||
1 | 1 | 4 | 5 | GrowingGit/GitHub-Chinese-Top-Charts | 🇨🇳 GitHub中文排行榜,各语言分设「软件 | |||||||||||
3 | 6 | StarRocks/starrocks | StarRocks, a Linux Foundation project, is a next-generation sub-second MPP OLAP database for full analytics scenarios, including multi-dimensional analytics, real-time analytics, and ad-hoc queries. InfoWorld’s 2023 BOSSIE Award for best open source software. | |||||||||||||
10 | 19 | 13 | 16 | 3 | 7 | Snailclimb/JavaGuide | 「Java学习+面试指南」一份涵盖大部分 Java 程序员所需要掌握的核心知识。准备 Java 面试,首选 JavaGuide! | |||||||||
8 | supertokens/supertokens-core | Open source alternative to Auth0 / Firebase Auth / AWS Cognito | ||||||||||||||
18 | 9 | 9 | apache/dolphinscheduler | Apache DolphinScheduler is the modern data orchestration platform. Agile to create high performance workflow with low-code | ||||||||||||
16 | 10 | jeecgboot/jeecg-boot | 🔥「企业级低代码平台」前后端分离架构SpringBoot 2.x/3.x,SpringCloud,Ant Design&Vue,Mybatis,Shiro,JWT。强大的代码生成器让前后端代码一键生成,无需写任何代码! 引领新的开发模式OnlineCoding->代码生成->手工MERGE,帮助Java项目解决70%重复工作,让开发更关注业务,既能快速提高效率,帮助公司节省成本,同时又不失灵活性。 | |||||||||||||
4 | 2 | 11 | 11 | NationalSecurityAgency/ghidra | Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework | |||||||||||
12 | alibaba/easyexcel | 快速、简洁、解决大文件内存溢出的java处理Excel工具 | ||||||||||||||
22 | 25 | 13 | apache/shardingsphere | Distributed SQL transaction & query engine for data sharding, scaling, encryption, and more - on any database. | ||||||||||||
14 | alibaba/DataX | DataX是阿里云DataWorks数据集成的开源版本。 | ||||||||||||||
15 | doocs/source-code-hunter | 😱 从源码层面,剖析挖掘互联网行业主流技术的底层实现原理,为广大开发者 “提升技术深度” 提供便利。目前开放 Spring 全家桶,Mybatis、Netty、Dubbo 框架,及 Redis、Tomcat 中间件等 | ||||||||||||||
16 | wendy512/stream | Streaming processing framework, source, channel, sink, support mqtt, Kafka and other components | ||||||||||||||
6 | 13 | 17 | dromara/hutool | 🍬A set of tools that keep Java sweet. | ||||||||||||
5 | 5 | 10 | 1 | 4 | 18 | spring-projects/spring-ai | An Application Framework for AI Engineering | |||||||||
16 | 25 | 19 | thingsboard/thingsboard | Open-source IoT Platform - Device management, data collection, processing and visualization. | ||||||||||||
20 | jeecgboot/JimuReport | 🔥「数据可视化报表工具」类似excel操作风格,在线拖拽完成报表设计!功能涵盖: 报表设计、图形报表、打印设计、大屏设计等,完全免费!秉承“简单、易用、专业”的产品理念,极大的降低报表开发难度、缩短开发周期、解决各类报表难题。 | ||||||||||||||
12 | 5 | 21 | YunaiV/yudao-cloud | ruoyi-vue-pro 全新 Cloud 版本,优化重构所有功能。基于 Spring Cloud Alibaba + MyBatis Plus + Vue & Element 实现的后台管理系统 + 用户小程序,支持 RBAC 动态权限、多租户、数据权限、工作流、三方登录、支付、短信、商城、CRM、ERP 等功能。你的 ⭐️ Star ⭐️,是作者生发的动力! | ||||||||||||
10 | 14 | 22 | itwanger/toBeBetterJavaer | 一份通俗易懂、风趣幽默的Java学习指南,内容涵盖Java基础、Java并发编程、Java虚拟机、Java企业级开发、Java面试等核心知识点。学Java,就认准二哥的Java进阶之路😄 | ||||||||||||
23 | yudaocode/SpringBoot-Labs | 一个涵盖六个专栏:Spring Boot 2.X、Spring Cloud、Spring Cloud Alibaba、Dubbo、分布式消息队列、分布式事务的仓库。希望胖友小手一抖,右上角来个 Star,感恩 1024 | ||||||||||||||
11 | 24 | alibaba/arthas | Alibaba Java Diagnostic Tool Arthas/Alibaba Java诊断利器Arthas | |||||||||||||
25 | pentaho/pentaho-kettle | Pentaho Data Integration ( ETL ) a.k.a Kettle |
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1 | max32002/tixcraft_bot | Max搶票機器人(maxbot) help you quickly buy your tickets | ||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | bgstaal/multipleWindow3dScene | A quick example of how one can “synchronize” a 3d scene across multiple windows using three.js and localStorage | |||||||||||||
4 | 11 | 12 | 5 | 3 | Mintplex-Labs/anything-llm | A multi-user ChatGPT for any LLMs and vector database. Unlimited documents, messages, and storage in one privacy-focused app. Now available as a desktop application! | ||||||||||
2 | 3 | 6 | 10 | 4 | ascoders/weekly | 前端精读周刊。帮你理解最前沿、实用的技术。 | ||||||||||
13 | 14 | 4 | 8 | 5 | facebook/react | The library for web and native user interfaces. | ||||||||||
13 | 23 | 5 | 5 | 23 | 6 | OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts | OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development. | |||||||||
7 | chinese-poetry/chinese-poetry | The most comprehensive database of Chinese poetry 🧶最全中华古诗词数据库, 唐宋两朝近一万四千古诗人, 接近5.5万首唐诗加26万宋诗. 两宋时期1564位词人,21050首词。 | ||||||||||||||
7 | 6 | 8 | songquanpeng/one-api | OpenAI 接口管理 & 分发系统,支持 Azure、Anthropic Claude、Google PaLM 2 & Gemini、智谱 ChatGLM、百度文心一言、讯飞星火认知、阿里通义千问、360 智脑以及腾讯混元,可用于二次分发管理 key,仅单可执行文件,已打包好 Docker 镜像,一键部署,开箱即用. OpenAI key management & redistribution system, using a single API for all LLMs, and features an English UI. | ||||||||||||
9 | Significant-Gravitas/AutoGPT | AutoGPT is the vision of accessible AI for everyone, to use and to build on. Our mission is to provide the tools, so that you can focus on what matters. | ||||||||||||||
10 | end-4/dots-hyprland | Modern, feature-rich and accessible desktop configuration. | ||||||||||||||
20 | 1 | 4 | 25 | 11 | iptv-org/iptv | Collection of publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world | ||||||||||
2 | 12 | modood/Administrative-divisions-of-China | 中华人民共和国行政区划:省级(省份)、 地级(城市)、 县级(区县)、 乡级(乡镇街道)、 村级(村委会居委会) ,中国省市区镇村二级三级四级五级联动地址数据。 | |||||||||||||
11 | 13 | 0xsongsu/dailytask | 每日签到任务 | |||||||||||||
5 | 3 | 21 | 14 | sunner/ChatALL | Concurrently chat with ChatGPT, Bing Chat, Bard, Alpaca, Vicuna, Claude, ChatGLM, MOSS, 讯飞星火, 文心一言 and more, discover the best answers | |||||||||||
15 | plankanban/planka | The realtime kanban board for workgroups built with React and Redux. | ||||||||||||||
16 | webpack/webpack | A bundler for javascript and friends. Packs many modules into a few bundled assets. Code Splitting allows for loading parts of the application on demand. Through “loaders”, modules can be CommonJs, AMD, ES6 modules, CSS, Images, JSON, Coffeescript, LESS, … and your custom stuff. | ||||||||||||||
17 | yjs/yjs | Shared data types for building collaborative software | ||||||||||||||
18 | munris-vlad/airdrop-checker | |||||||||||||||
19 | polyfillpolyfill/fetch | A window.fetch JavaScript polyfill. | ||||||||||||||
18 | 20 | NaiboWang/EasySpider | A visual no-code/code-free web crawler/spider易采集:一个可视化浏览器自动化测试/数据采集/爬虫软件,可以无代码图形化的设计和执行爬虫任务。别名:ServiceWrapper面向Web应用的智能化服务封装系统。 | |||||||||||||
21 | polyfillpolyfill/polyfill-library | NodeJS module to create polyfill bundles tailored to individual user-agents. | ||||||||||||||
22 | xxxily/h5player | 视频增强脚本,支持所有H5视频网站,例如:B站、抖音、腾讯视频、优酷、爱奇艺、西瓜视频、油管(YouTube)、微博视频、知乎视频、搜狐视频、网易公开课、百度网盘、阿里云盘、ted、instagram、twitter等。全程快捷键控制,支持:倍速播放/加速播放、视频画面截图、画中画、网页全屏、调节亮度、饱和度、对比度、自定义配置功能增强等功能,为你提供愉悦的在线视频播放体验。还有视频广告快进、在线教程/教育视频倍速快学等能力 | ||||||||||||||
23 | philc/vimium | The hacker’s browser. | ||||||||||||||
24 | PublicAffairs/openai-gemini | Gemini ➜ OpenAI API proxy. Serverless! | ||||||||||||||
25 | bytedance/xgplayer | A HTML5 video player with a parser that saves traffic |
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23 | 1 | 1 | microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners | 18 Lessons, Get Started Building with Generative AI 🔗 https://microsoft.github.io/generative-ai-for-beginners/ | ||||||||||||
3 | 12 | 5 | 2 | microsoft/AI-For-Beginners | 12 Weeks, 24 Lessons, AI for All! | |||||||||||
3 | 7 | 1 | 3 | rasbt/LLMs-from-scratch | Implementing a ChatGPT-like LLM from scratch, step by step | |||||||||||
20 | 20 | 8 | 4 | openai/CLIP | CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining), Predict the most relevant text snippet given an image | |||||||||||
6 | 10 | 18 | 21 | 6 | 5 | labmlai/annotated_deep_learning_paper_implementations | 🧑🏫 60 Implementations/tutorials of deep learning papers with side-by-side notes 📝; including transformers (original, xl, switch, feedback, vit, …), optimizers (adam, adabelief, sophia, …), gans(cyclegan, stylegan2, …), 🎮 reinforcement learning (ppo, dqn), capsnet, distillation, … 🧠 | |||||||||
5 | 6 | yformer/EfficientSAM | EfficientSAM: Leveraged Masked Image Pretraining for Efficient Segment Anything | |||||||||||||
22 | 24 | 24 | 7 | shap/shap | A game theoretic approach to explain the output of any machine learning model. | |||||||||||
18 | 11 | 8 | fastai/fastai | The fastai deep learning library | ||||||||||||
9 | Luc4st1574/MSP_MINECRAFT-SERVER-PROJECT | |||||||||||||||
8 | 4 | 2 | 10 | chenzomi12/DeepLearningSystem | Deep Learning System core principles introduction. | |||||||||||
18 | 18 | 13 | 11 | NielsRogge/Transformers-Tutorials | This repository contains demos I made with the Transformers library by HuggingFace. | |||||||||||
12 | google-research/vision_transformer | |||||||||||||||
20 | 10 | 19 | 13 | salesforce/LAVIS | LAVIS - A One-stop Library for Language-Vision Intelligence | |||||||||||
20 | 15 | 15 | 1 | 14 | mrdbourke/pytorch-deep-learning | Materials for the Learn PyTorch for Deep Learning: Zero to Mastery course. | ||||||||||
15 | googlesamples/mediapipe | |||||||||||||||
16 | pytorch/tutorials | PyTorch tutorials. | ||||||||||||||
11 | 17 | evidentlyai/evidently | Evaluate and monitor ML models from validation to production. Join our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/xZjKRaNp8b | |||||||||||||
18 | kaieye/2022-Machine-Learning-Specialization | |||||||||||||||
4 | 19 | 24 | 11 | 19 | truera/trulens | Evaluation and Tracking for LLM Experiments | ||||||||||
12 | 4 | 20 | aws/amazon-sagemaker-examples | Example 📓 Jupyter notebooks that demonstrate how to build, train, and deploy machine learning models using 🧠 Amazon SageMaker. | ||||||||||||
3 | 3 | 2 | 21 | facebookresearch/llama-recipes | Scripts for fine-tuning Llama2 with composable FSDP & PEFT methods to cover single/multi-node GPUs. Supports default & custom datasets for applications such as summarization & question answering. Supporting a number of candid inference solutions such as HF TGI, VLLM for local or cloud deployment.Demo apps to showcase Llama2 for WhatsApp & Messenger | |||||||||||
25 | 20 | 22 | mlfoundations/open_clip | An open source implementation of CLIP. | ||||||||||||
11 | 23 | aamini/introtodeeplearning | Lab Materials for MIT 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning | |||||||||||||
24 | jonkrohn/ML-foundations | Machine Learning Foundations: Linear Algebra, Calculus, Statistics & Computer Science | ||||||||||||||
25 | artidoro/qlora | QLoRA: Efficient Finetuning of Quantized LLMs |
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3 | 6 | 19 | 1 | snipe/snipe-it | A free open source IT asset/license management system | |||||||||||
14 | 16 | 2 | 5 | 4 | 2 | coollabsio/coolify | An open-source & self-hostable Heroku / Netlify / Vercel alternative. | |||||||||
1 | 3 | nikic/PHP-Parser | A PHP parser written in PHP | |||||||||||||
24 | 20 | 2 | 3 | 4 | digininja/DVWA | Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) | ||||||||||
13 | 11 | 4 | 21 | 5 | assimon/dujiaoka | 🦄独角数卡(自动售货系统)-开源站长自动化售货解决方案、高效、稳定、快速!🚀🚀🎉🎉 | ||||||||||
4 | 4 | 3 | 6 | 17 | 2 | 7 | 6 | 11 | 23 | 8 | 6 | laravel/framework | The Laravel Framework. | |||
2 | 4 | 18 | 21 | 4 | 3 | 6 | 10 | 7 | nextcloud/server | ☁️ Nextcloud server, a safe home for all your data | ||||||
18 | 25 | 17 | 18 | 17 | 8 | typecho/typecho | A PHP Blogging Platform. Simple and Powerful. | |||||||||
6 | 5 | 9 | PHP-CS-Fixer/PHP-CS-Fixer | A tool to automatically fix PHP Coding Standards issues | ||||||||||||
10 | Propaganistas/Laravel-Phone | Phone number functionality for Laravel | ||||||||||||||
11 | opcodesio/log-viewer | Fast and beautiful Log Viewer for Laravel | ||||||||||||||
12 | phpseclib/phpseclib | PHP Secure Communications Library | ||||||||||||||
23 | 13 | opnsense/core | OPNsense GUI, API and systems backend | |||||||||||||
17 | 14 | getkirby/kirby | Kirby’s core application folder | |||||||||||||
23 | 5 | 9 | 10 | 22 | 6 | 15 | nextcloud/all-in-one | The official Nextcloud installation method. Provides easy deployment and maintenance with most features included in this one Nextcloud instance. | ||||||||
8 | 3 | 10 | 14 | 1 | 1 | 15 | 16 | livewire/livewire | A full-stack framework for Laravel that takes the pain out of building dynamic UIs. | |||||||
20 | 19 | 6 | 14 | 5 | 17 | statamic/cms | The core Laravel CMS Composer package | |||||||||
18 | itsgoingd/clockwork | Clockwork - php dev tools in your browser - server-side component | ||||||||||||||
2 | 15 | 12 | 20 | 18 | 19 | googleapis/google-api-php-client | A PHP client library for accessing Google APIs | |||||||||
20 | ramsey/uuid | ❄️ A PHP library for generating universally unique identifiers (UUIDs). | ||||||||||||||
21 | xing61/xiaoyi-robot | 优质稳定的OpenAI的API接口-For企业和开发者。OpenAI的api proxy,支持ChatGPT的API调用,支持openai的API接口,支持:gpt-4,gpt-3.5。不需要openai Key, 不需要买openai的账号,不需要美元的银行卡,通通不用的,直接调用就行,稳定好用!!智增增 | ||||||||||||||
22 | DataDog/dd-trace-php | Datadog PHP Clients | ||||||||||||||
23 | v2board/v2board | 🚀A multiple proxy protocol manage panel application interface | ||||||||||||||
24 | mongodb/laravel-mongodb | A MongoDB based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel (Moloquent) | ||||||||||||||
25 | lcobucci/jwt | A simple library to work with JSON Web Token and JSON Web Signature |
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1 | naver/dust3r | |||||||||||||||
2 | layerdiffusion/sd-forge-layerdiffuse | [WIP] Layer Diffusion for WebUI (via Forge) | ||||||||||||||
3 | bigcode-project/starcoder2 | Home of StarCoder2! | ||||||||||||||
4 | QwenLM/Qwen-Agent | Agent framework and applications built upon Qwen1.5, featuring Function Calling, Code Interpreter, RAG, and Chrome extension. | ||||||||||||||
20 | 9 | 4 | 5 | pydantic/FastUI | Build better UIs faster. | |||||||||||
6 | gradio-app/gradio | Build and share delightful machine learning apps, all in Python. 🌟 Star to support our work! | ||||||||||||||
7 | google/maxtext | A simple, performant and scalable Jax LLM! | ||||||||||||||
12 | 8 | hpcaitech/ColossalAI | Making large AI models cheaper, faster and more accessible | |||||||||||||
1 | 3 | 13 | 9 | Pythagora-io/gpt-pilot | Dev tool that writes scalable apps from scratch while the developer oversees the implementation | |||||||||||
10 | myshell-ai/MeloTTS | High-quality multi-lingual text-to-speech library by MyShell.ai. Support English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese and Korean. | ||||||||||||||
2 | 11 | vikhyat/moondream | tiny vision language model | |||||||||||||
12 | qnguyen3/chat-with-mlx | Chat with your data natively on Apple Silicon using MLX Framework. | ||||||||||||||
6 | 20 | 13 | 01-ai/Yi | A series of large language models trained from scratch by developers @01-ai | ||||||||||||
14 | alibaba-damo-academy/FunASR | A Fundamental End-to-End Speech Recognition Toolkit and Open Source SOTA Pretrained Models. | ||||||||||||||
15 | Sinaptik-AI/pandas-ai | Chat with your database (SQL, CSV, pandas, polars, mongodb, noSQL, etc). PandasAI makes data analysis conversational using LLMs (GPT 3.5 / 4, Anthropic, VertexAI) and RAG. | ||||||||||||||
16 | yangjianxin1/Firefly | Firefly: 大模型训练工具,支持训练Gemma、MiniCPM、Yi、Deepseek、Orion、Xverse、Mixtral-8x7B、Zephyr、Mistral、Baichuan2、Llma2、Llama、Qwen、Baichuan、ChatGLM2、InternLM、Ziya2、Vicuna、Bloom等大模型 | ||||||||||||||
17 | h2oai/h2ogpt | Private chat with local GPT with document, images, video, etc. 100% private, Apache 2.0. Supports oLLaMa, Mixtral, llama.cpp, and more. Demo: https://gpt.h2o.ai/ https://codellama.h2o.ai/ | ||||||||||||||
21 | 18 | EleutherAI/lm-evaluation-harness | A framework for few-shot evaluation of language models. | |||||||||||||
19 | NUS-HPC-AI-Lab/OpenDiT | OpenDiT: An Easy, Fast and Memory-Efficient System for DiT Training and Inference | ||||||||||||||
20 | dortania/OpenCore-Legacy-Patcher | Experience macOS just like before | ||||||||||||||
21 | assafelovic/gpt-researcher | GPT based autonomous agent that does online comprehensive research on any given topic | ||||||||||||||
11 | 5 | 22 | embedchain/embedchain | Personalizing LLM Responses | ||||||||||||
15 | 23 | freqtrade/freqtrade | Free, open source crypto trading bot | |||||||||||||
24 | mikel-brostrom/yolo_tracking | BoxMOT: pluggable SOTA tracking modules for segmentation, object detection and pose estimation models | ||||||||||||||
15 | 25 | chatanywhere/GPT_API_free | Free ChatGPT API Key,免费ChatGPT API,支持GPT4 API(免费),ChatGPT国内可用免费转发API,直连无需代理。可以搭配ChatBox等软件/插件使用,极大降低接口使用成本。国内即可无限制畅快聊天。 |
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3 | 22 | 7 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 14 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | rails/rails | Ruby on Rails | |||
13 | 17 | 15 | 16 | 2 | zammad/zammad | Zammad is a web based open source helpdesk/customer support system | ||||||||||
3 | ubicloud/ubicloud | Open, free, and portable cloud. Elastic compute, block storage (non replicated), virtual networking, managed Postgres, and IAM services in public beta. | ||||||||||||||
10 | 21 | 25 | 4 | Shopify/ruby-lsp | An opinionated language server for Ruby | |||||||||||
2 | 24 | 24 | 15 | 11 | 5 | rubocop/rubocop | A Ruby static code analyzer and formatter, based on the community Ruby style guide. | |||||||||
16 | 6 | fluent/fluentd | Fluentd: Unified Logging Layer (project under CNCF) | |||||||||||||
7 | asciidoctor/asciidoctor | 💎 A fast, open source text processor and publishing toolchain, written in Ruby, for converting AsciiDoc content to HTML 5, DocBook 5, and other formats. | ||||||||||||||
2 | 8 | Multiwoven/multiwoven | 🔥🔥 Open Source Hightouch, Census, and RudderStack Alternative | |||||||||||||
16 | 10 | 9 | citation-style-language/styles | Official repository for Citation Style Language (CSL) citation styles. | ||||||||||||
11 | 22 | 3 | 10 | postalserver/postal | ✉️ A fully featured open source mail delivery platform for incoming & outgoing e-mail | |||||||||||
11 | prawnpdf/prawn | Fast, Nimble PDF Writer for Ruby | ||||||||||||||
15 | 15 | 17 | 16 | 9 | 6 | 8 | 13 | 5 | 12 | 6 | 12 | jekyll/jekyll | 🌐 Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in Ruby | |||
24 | 13 | rack/rack | A modular Ruby web server interface. | |||||||||||||
8 | 14 | rswag/rswag | Seamlessly adds a Swagger to Rails-based API’s | |||||||||||||
21 | 15 | hartator/wayback-machine-downloader | Download an entire website from the Wayback Machine. | |||||||||||||
5 | 11 | 2 | 20 | 23 | 9 | 16 | forem/forem | For empowering community 🌱 | ||||||||
4 | 8 | 22 | 2 | 23 | 8 | 10 | 17 | discourse/discourse | A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple. | |||||||
4 | 10 | 23 | 1 | 3 | 7 | 8 | 8 | 7 | 18 | rapid7/metasploit-framework | Metasploit Framework | |||||
18 | 12 | 3 | 17 | 18 | 7 | 8 | 3 | 13 | 19 | heartcombo/devise | Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden. | |||||
14 | 12 | 20 | endoflife-date/endoflife.date | Informative site with EoL dates of everything | ||||||||||||
8 | 25 | 21 | basecamp/solid_queue | Database-backed Active Job backend | ||||||||||||
5 | 22 | github/choosealicense.com | A site to provide non-judgmental guidance on choosing a license for your open source project | |||||||||||||
20 | 16 | 22 | 23 | heartcombo/simple_form | Forms made easy for Rails! It’s tied to a simple DSL, with no opinion on markup. | |||||||||||
19 | 16 | 24 | 24 | sinatra/sinatra | Classy web-development dressed in a DSL (official / canonical repo) | |||||||||||
12 | 11 | 25 | alexrudall/ruby-openai | OpenAI API + Ruby! 🤖❤️ Now with Assistants, Threads, Messages, Runs and Text to Speech 🍾 |
20231204 | 20231211 | 20231218 | 20231225 | 20240101 | 20240108 | 20240115 | 20240122 | 20240129 | 20240205 | 20240212 | 20240219 | 20240226 | 20240304 | 20240311 | github | description |
1 | cloudflare/pingora | A library for building fast, reliable and evolvable network services. | ||||||||||||||
4 | 3 | 9 | 7 | 21 | 2 | 2 | FuelLabs/fuel-core | Rust full node implementation of the Fuel v2 protocol. | ||||||||
23 | 16 | 8 | 4 | 4 | 16 | 3 | 3 | FuelLabs/sway | 🌴 Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient smart contracts. | |||||||
4 | crabml/crabml | |||||||||||||||
14 | 5 | huggingface/text-embeddings-inference | A blazing fast inference solution for text embeddings models | |||||||||||||
13 | 1 | 17 | 6 | tracel-ai/burn | Burn is a new comprehensive dynamic Deep Learning Framework built using Rust with extreme flexibility, compute efficiency and portability as its primary goals. | |||||||||||
16 | 5 | 6 | 7 | FuelLabs/fuels-rs | Fuel Network Rust SDK | |||||||||||
22 | 15 | 8 | sunface/rust-by-practice | Learning Rust By Practice, narrowing the gap between beginner and skilled-dev through challenging examples, exercises and projects. | ||||||||||||
9 | gleam-lang/gleam | ⭐️ A friendly language for building type-safe, scalable systems! | ||||||||||||||
14 | 16 | 10 | cloudflare/quiche | 🥧 Savoury implementation of the QUIC transport protocol and HTTP/3 | ||||||||||||
11 | jsr-io/jsr | The open-source package registry for modern JavaScript and TypeScript | ||||||||||||||
7 | 12 | electric-capital/crypto-ecosystems | A taxonomy for open source cryptocurrency, blockchain, and decentralized ecosystems | |||||||||||||
13 | robbert-vdh/nih-plug | Rust VST3 and CLAP plugin framework and plugins - because everything is better when you do it yourself | ||||||||||||||
20 | 14 | rapiz1/rathole | A lightweight and high-performance reverse proxy for NAT traversal, written in Rust. An alternative to frp and ngrok. | |||||||||||||
15 | jafioti/luminal | Deep learning at the speed of light. | ||||||||||||||
17 | 8 | 16 | rust-windowing/winit | Window handling library in pure Rust | ||||||||||||
4 | 14 | 17 | tokio-rs/axum | Ergonomic and modular web framework built with Tokio, Tower, and Hyper | ||||||||||||
18 | tikv/tikv | Distributed transactional key-value database, originally created to complement TiDB | ||||||||||||||
9 | 19 | kata-containers/kata-containers | Kata Containers is an open source project and community working to build a standard implementation of lightweight Virtual Machines (VMs) that feel and perform like containers, but provide the workload isolation and security advantages of VMs. https://katacontainers.io/ | |||||||||||||
22 | 20 | 22 | 20 | aptos-labs/aptos-core | Aptos is a layer 1 blockchain built to support the widespread use of blockchain through better technology and user experience. | |||||||||||
21 | Eventual-Inc/Daft | Distributed DataFrame for Python designed for the cloud, powered by Rust | ||||||||||||||
22 | 8 | 5 | 22 | rust-lang/rustlings | 🦀 Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code! | |||||||||||
23 | GreptimeTeam/greptimedb | An open-source, cloud-native, distributed time-series database with PromQL/SQL/Python supported. | ||||||||||||||
24 | apache/arrow-rs | Official Rust implementation of Apache Arrow | ||||||||||||||
9 | 25 | lapce/floem | A native Rust UI library with fine-grained reactivity |
20231204 | 20231211 | 20231218 | 20231225 | 20240101 | 20240108 | 20240115 | 20240122 | 20240129 | 20240205 | 20240212 | 20240219 | 20240226 | 20240304 | 20240311 | github | description |
5 | 5 | 1 | dockur/windows | Windows in a Docker container. | ||||||||||||
11 | 6 | 4 | 9 | 8 | 2 | 2 | youngyangyang04/leetcode-master | 《代码随想录》LeetCode 刷题攻略:200道经典题目刷题顺序,共60w字的详细图解,视频难点剖析,50余张思维导图,支持C++,Java,Python,Go,JavaScript等多语言版本,从此算法学习不再迷茫!🔥🔥 来看看,你会发现相见恨晚!🚀 | ||||||||
4 | 3 | thuml/Time-Series-Library | A Library for Advanced Deep Time Series Models. | |||||||||||||
4 | Elegycloud/clash-for-linux-backup | Linux最完整的Clash for Linux的备份仓库,完全可以使用!由Yizuko进行修复及维护 | ||||||||||||||
25 | 2 | 8 | 7 | 7 | 5 | acmesh-official/acme.sh | A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol | |||||||||
6 | Soroushnk/Astro | a bash script to help you bypass GFW | ||||||||||||||
23 | 16 | 10 | 7 | j-hc/revanced-magisk-module | Extensive ReVanced builder. Builds both modules and APKs. Updated daily. | |||||||||||
7 | 12 | 8 | DDS-Derek/xiaoya-alist | 小雅Alist的相关周边 | ||||||||||||
5 | 18 | 10 | 10 | 9 | catppuccin/tmux | 💽 Soothing pastel theme for Tmux! | ||||||||||
10 | edoardottt/awesome-hacker-search-engines | A curated list of awesome search engines useful during Penetration testing, Vulnerability assessments, Red/Blue Team operations, Bug Bounty and more | ||||||||||||||
2 | 11 | sickcodes/Docker-OSX | Run macOS VM in a Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for OS X Security Research! Docker mac Containers. | |||||||||||||
8 | 12 | 89luca89/distrobox | Use any linux distribution inside your terminal. Enable both backward and forward compatibility with software and freedom to use whatever distribution you’re more comfortable with. Mirror available at: https://gitlab.com/89luca89/distrobox | |||||||||||||
13 | datacharmer/test_db | A sample MySQL database with an integrated test suite, used to test your applications and database servers | ||||||||||||||
14 | hoverbike1/TOTK-Mods-collection | Mod repo for TOTK on Yuzu emulator. | ||||||||||||||
13 | 15 | wnlen/clash-for-linux | clash-for-linux | |||||||||||||
16 | P3TERX/Actions-OpenWrt | A template for building OpenWrt with GitHub Actions | ||||||||||||||
17 | mitchellkrogza/nginx-ultimate-bad-bot-blocker | Nginx Block Bad Bots, Spam Referrer Blocker, Vulnerability Scanners, User-Agents, Malware, Adware, Ransomware, Malicious Sites, with anti-DDOS, Wordpress Theme Detector Blocking and Fail2Ban Jail for Repeat Offenders | ||||||||||||||
18 | leitbogioro/Tools | Something about tools | ||||||||||||||
7 | 5 | 18 | 19 | juewuy/ShellCrash | Run sing-box/mihomo as client in shell | |||||||||||
11 | 7 | 23 | 20 | ublue-os/bazzite | Bazzite is an OCI image that serves as an alternative operating system for the Steam Deck, and a ready-to-game SteamOS-like for desktop computers, living room home theater PCs, and numerous other handheld PCs. | |||||||||||
22 | 22 | 21 | Jeevan-kumar-Raj/Grokking-System-Design | Systems design is the process of defining the architecture, modules, interfaces, and data for a system to satisfy specified requirements. Systems design could be seen as the application of systems theory to product development. | ||||||||||||
23 | 4 | 22 | SeleniumHQ/docker-selenium | Provides a simple way to run Selenium Grid with Chrome, Firefox, and Edge using Docker, making it easier to perform browser automation | ||||||||||||
23 | vdsm/virtual-dsm | Virtual DSM in a Docker container. | ||||||||||||||
24 | casterbyte/F31 | Tool for hiding Kali Linux on the network | ||||||||||||||
12 | 25 | getsentry/self-hosted | Sentry, feature-complete and packaged up for low-volume deployments and proofs-of-concept |
20231204 | 20231211 | 20231218 | 20231225 | 20240101 | 20240108 | 20240115 | 20240122 | 20240129 | 20240205 | 20240212 | 20240219 | 20240226 | 20240304 | 20240311 | github | description |
13 | 1 | abi/screenshot-to-code | Drop in a screenshot and convert it to clean code (HTML/Tailwind/React/Vue) | |||||||||||||
2 | ente-io/ente | Fully open source, End to End Encrypted alternative to Google Photos and Apple Photos | ||||||||||||||
2 | 11 | 3 | 3 | openai-translator/openai-translator | 基于 ChatGPT API 的划词翻译浏览器插件和跨平台桌面端应用 - Browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on ChatGPT API. | |||||||||||
4 | wasp-lang/wasp | The fastest way to develop full-stack web apps with React & Node.js. | ||||||||||||||
16 | 10 | 6 | 5 | Lissy93/web-check | 🕵️♂️ All-in-one OSINT tool for analysing any website | |||||||||||
15 | 6 | QuivrHQ/quivr | Your GenAI Second Brain 🧠 A personal productivity assistant (RAG) ⚡️🤖 Chat with your docs (PDF, CSV, …) & apps using Langchain, GPT 3.5 / 4 turbo, Private, Anthropic, VertexAI, Ollama, LLMs, that you can share with users ! Local & Private alternative to OpenAI GPTs & ChatGPT powered by retrieval-augmented generation. | |||||||||||||
7 | redis/ioredis | 🚀 A robust, performance-focused, and full-featured Redis client for Node.js. | ||||||||||||||
10 | 8 | vercel/ai | Build AI-powered applications with React, Svelte, Vue, and Solid | |||||||||||||
9 | jito-labs/mev-bot | |||||||||||||||
10 | boxyhq/saas-starter-kit | 🔥 Enterprise SaaS Starter Kit - Kickstart your enterprise app development with the Next.js SaaS boilerplate 🚀 | ||||||||||||||
11 | 11 | dubinc/dub | Open-source link management infrastructure. | |||||||||||||
12 | slidevjs/slidev | Presentation Slides for Developers | ||||||||||||||
13 | element-plus/element-plus | 🎉 A Vue.js 3 UI Library made by Element team | ||||||||||||||
5 | 25 | 4 | 5 | 14 | ChatGPTNextWeb/ChatGPT-Next-Web | A cross-platform ChatGPT/Gemini UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 ChatGPT/Gemini 应用。 | ||||||||||
15 | Bin-Huang/chatbox | Chatbox is a desktop client for ChatGPT, Claude and other LLMs, available on Windows, Mac, Linux | ||||||||||||||
16 | NervJS/taro | 开放式跨端跨框架解决方案,支持使用 React/Vue/Nerv 等框架来开发微信/京东/百度/支付宝/字节跳动/ QQ 小程序/H5/React Native 等应用。 https://taro.zone/ | ||||||||||||||
17 | vuejs/language-tools | ⚡ High-performance Vue language tooling based-on Volar.js | ||||||||||||||
20 | 18 | FuelLabs/sway-farm | Farm 🍅 on the Fuel network. | |||||||||||||
19 | mattermost/focalboard | Focalboard is an open source, self-hosted alternative to Trello, Notion, and Asana. | ||||||||||||||
20 | web3/web3.js | Collection of comprehensive TypeScript libraries for Interaction with the Ethereum JSON RPC API and utility functions. | ||||||||||||||
21 | leap-ai/headshots-starter | |||||||||||||||
22 | pure-admin/pure-admin-thin | vue-pure-admin官方精简版 | ||||||||||||||
23 | winglang/wing | A programming language for the cloud ☁️ A unified programming model, combining infrastructure and runtime code into one language ⚡ | ||||||||||||||
24 | ixartz/Next-js-Boilerplate | 🚀🎉📚 Boilerplate and Starter for Next.js 14+ with App Router and Page Router support, Tailwind CSS 3.4 and TypeScript ⚡️ Made with developer experience first: Next.js + TypeScript + ESLint + Prettier + Husky + Lint-Staged + Jest + Testing Library + Cypress + Storybook + Commitlint + VSCode + Netlify + PostCSS + Tailwind CSS | ||||||||||||||
15 | 2 | 25 | continuedev/continue | ⏩ The easiest way to code with any LLM—Continue is an open-source autopilot for VS Code and JetBrains |
20231204 | 20231211 | 20231218 | 20231225 | 20240101 | 20240108 | 20240115 | 20240122 | 20240129 | 20240205 | 20240212 | 20240219 | 20240226 | 20240304 | 20240311 | github | description |
1 | microsoft/Security-101 | 7 Lessons, Kick-start Your Cybersecurity Learning. | ||||||||||||||
5 | 8 | 15 | 2 | dair-ai/ML-Papers-of-the-Week | 🔥Highlighting the top ML papers every week. | |||||||||||
7 | 4 | 12 | 3 | 3 | cloudcommunity/Free-Certifications | A curated list of free courses & certifications. | ||||||||||
4 | xszyou/Fay | Fay is an open-source digital human framework integrating language models and digital characters. It offers retail, assistant, and agent versions for diverse applications like virtual shopping guides, broadcasters, assistants, waiters, teachers, and voice or text-based mobile assistants. | ||||||||||||||
5 | Loyalsoldier/clash-rules | 🦄️ 🎃 👻 Clash Premium 规则集(RULE-SET),兼容 ClashX Pro、Clash for Windows 客户端。 | ||||||||||||||
6 | krishnaik06/Data-Science-Projects-For-Resumes | |||||||||||||||
21 | 21 | 7 | HqWu-HITCS/Awesome-Chinese-LLM | 整理开源的中文大语言模型,以规模较小、可私有化部署、训练成本较低的模型为主,包括底座模型,垂直领域微调及应用,数据集与教程等。 | ||||||||||||
8 | 8 | Azure/azure-rest-api-specs | The source for REST API specifications for Microsoft Azure. | |||||||||||||
17 | 12 | 17 | 9 | darknet-onion-links/darknet-onion-links-catalog | TOR ONION DARKNET | |||||||||||
10 | chromium/chromium | The official GitHub mirror of the Chromium source | ||||||||||||||
20 | 9 | 6 | 11 | 11 | ashishpatel26/500-AI-Machine-learning-Deep-learning-Computer-vision-NLP-Projects-with-code | 500 AI Machine learning Deep learning Computer vision NLP Projects with code | ||||||||||
20 | 12 | 9 | 12 | justjavac/free-programming-books-zh_CN | 📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿 | |||||||||||
20 | 13 | Hannibal046/Awesome-LLM | Awesome-LLM: a curated list of Large Language Model | |||||||||||||
14 | itgoyo/TelegramGroup | 悄咪咪收集的1000+个Telegram群合集,如果有更多好玩的telegram群,欢迎在 issue 提出或者pull requests | ||||||||||||||
15 | amusi/CVPR2024-Papers-with-Code | CVPR 2024 论文和开源项目合集 | ||||||||||||||
14 | 17 | 1 | 12 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 16 | EbookFoundation/free-programming-books | 📚 Freely available programming books | |||||||
16 | 17 | BradyFU/Awesome-Multimodal-Large-Language-Models | ✨✨Latest Papers and Datasets on Multimodal Large Language Models, and Their Evaluation. | |||||||||||||
18 | polyfillpolyfill/polyfill-service | Automatic polyfill service. | ||||||||||||||
13 | 25 | 1 | 21 | 18 | 19 | ruanyf/weekly | 科技爱好者周刊,每周五发布 | |||||||||
20 | gfwlist/gfwlist | The one and only one gfwlist here | ||||||||||||||
21 | microsoft/WSA | Developer-related issues and feature requests for Windows Subsystem for Android | ||||||||||||||
22 | memorysafety/river | This repository is the future home of the River reverse proxy application, based on the pingora library from Cloudflare. | ||||||||||||||
16 | 23 | xx025/carrot | Free ChatGPT Site List 这儿为你准备了众多免费好用的ChatGPT镜像站点 | |||||||||||||
24 | layerdiffusion/LayerDiffuse | Transparent Image Layer Diffusion using Latent Transparency | ||||||||||||||
25 | eclipse-sumo/sumo | Eclipse SUMO is an open source, highly portable, microscopic and continuous traffic simulation package designed to handle large networks. It allows for intermodal simulation including pedestrians and comes with a large set of tools for scenario creation. |