
20241014 20241021 20241028 20241104 20241111 20241118 20241125 20241202 20241209 20241216 20241223 20241230 20250106 20250113 20250120 github description
1 OpenBMB/MiniCPM-o MiniCPM-o 2.6: A GPT-4o Level MLLM for Vision, Speech and Multimodal Live Streaming on Your Phone
2 TabbyML/tabby Self-hosted AI coding assistant
3 FujiwaraChoki/MoneyPrinterV2 Automate the process of making money online.
4 KoljaB/RealtimeSTT A robust, efficient, low-latency speech-to-text library with advanced voice activity detection, wake word activation and instant transcription.
8 5 harry0703/MoneyPrinterTurbo 利用AI大模型,一键生成高清短视频 Generate short videos with one click using AI LLM.
6 JoshuaC215/agent-service-toolkit Full toolkit for running an AI agent service built with LangGraph, FastAPI and Streamlit
7 dnhkng/GLaDOS This is the Personality Core for GLaDOS, the first steps towards a real-life implementation of the AI from the Portal series by Valve.
9 8 Canner/WrenAI 🤖 Open-source GenBI AI Agent that empowers data-driven teams to chat with their data to generate Text-to-SQL, charts, spreadsheets, reports, and BI. 📈📊📋🧑‍💻
9 ton-blockchain/ton Main TON monorepo
10 vikhyat/moondream tiny vision language model
11 NVlabs/Sana SANA: Efficient High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Linear Diffusion Transformer
12 fixie-ai/ultravox A fast multimodal LLM for real-time voice
12 11 3 13 unclecode/crawl4ai 🚀🤖 Crawl4AI: Open-source LLM Friendly Web Crawler & Scraper
14 henrygd/beszel Lightweight server monitoring hub with historical data, docker stats, and alerts.
15 mufeedvh/code2prompt A CLI tool to convert your codebase into a single LLM prompt with source tree, prompt templating, and token counting.
16 kgretzky/evilginx2 Standalone man-in-the-middle attack framework used for phishing login credentials along with session cookies, allowing for the bypass of 2-factor authentication
17 PriorLabs/TabPFN ⚡ TabPFN: Foundation Model for Tabular Data ⚡
18 nautechsystems/nautilus_trader A high-performance algorithmic trading platform and event-driven backtester
19 BuilderIO/gpt-crawler Crawl a site to generate knowledge files to create your own custom GPT from a URL
20 mlabonne/llm-course Course to get into Large Language Models (LLMs) with roadmaps and Colab notebooks.
21 marimo-team/marimo A reactive notebook for Python — run reproducible experiments, execute as a script, deploy as an app, and version with git.


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4 7 8 5 1 1 78/xiaozhi-esp32 Build your own AI friend
4 9 2 Mbed-TLS/mbedtls An open source, portable, easy to use, readable and flexible TLS library, and reference implementation of the PSA Cryptography API. Releases are on a varying cadence, typically around 3 - 6 months between releases.
3 nuta/operating-system-in-1000-lines Writing an OS in 1,000 lines.
4 git/git Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository but pull requests can be turned into patches to the mailing list via GitGitGadget (https://gitgitgadget.github.io/). Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improvements.
22 21 21 21 5 nanopb/nanopb Protocol Buffers with small code size
16 6 EpicGamesExt/raddebugger A native, user-mode, multi-process, graphical debugger.
7 openzfs/zfs OpenZFS on Linux and FreeBSD
3 8 BasedHardware/omi AI wearables
1 16 16 9 pgvector/pgvector Open-source vector similarity search for Postgres
25 10 sonic-net/sonic-buildimage Scripts which perform an installable binary image build for SONiC
15 11 u-boot/u-boot “Das U-Boot” Source Tree
12 jqlang/jq Command-line JSON processor
6 20 18 16 11 13 zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr Primary Git Repository for the Zephyr Project. Zephyr is a new generation, scalable, optimized, secure RTOS for multiple hardware architectures.
14 oxters168/Pluvia Lightweight unofficial Steam client for Android
15 confluentinc/librdkafka The Apache Kafka C/C++ library
16 allinurl/goaccess GoAccess is a real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer that runs in a terminal in *nix systems or through your browser.
7 8 17 libevent/libevent Event notification library
18 meetecho/janus-gateway Janus WebRTC Server
17 21 19 openssl/openssl TLS/SSL and crypto library
20 pgbouncer/pgbouncer lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL
17 9 21 mit-pdos/xv6-riscv Xv6 for RISC-V
22 OpenMathLib/OpenBLAS OpenBLAS is an optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 1.13 BSD version.


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12 5 1 MudBlazor/MudBlazor Blazor Component Library based on Material Design principles with an emphasis on ease of use and extensibility
9 2 ShareX/ShareX ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key. It also allows uploading images, text or other types of files to many supported destinations you can choose from.
17 4 22 10 3 dotnet/runtime .NET is a cross-platform runtime for cloud, mobile, desktop, and IoT apps.
2 3 5 20 22 4 dotnet/maui .NET MAUI is the .NET Multi-platform App UI, a framework for building native device applications spanning mobile, tablet, and desktop.
5 davidfowl/AspNetCoreDiagnosticScenarios This repository has examples of broken patterns in ASP.NET Core applications
16 6 microsoft/fluentui-blazor Microsoft Fluent UI Blazor components library. For use with ASP.NET Core Blazor applications
9 19 10 14 5 12 15 7 dotnet/aspnetcore ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform .NET framework for building modern cloud-based web applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux.
14 8 actions/runner The Runner for GitHub Actions 🚀
14 17 23 20 9 dotnet/roslyn The Roslyn .NET compiler provides C# and Visual Basic languages with rich code analysis APIs.
15 4 1 1 20 10 AvaloniaUI/Avalonia Develop Desktop, Embedded, Mobile and WebAssembly apps with C# and XAML. The most popular .NET UI client technology
3 8 18 7 11 elsa-workflows/elsa-core A .NET workflows library
13 2 7 12 Azure/azure-sdk-for-net This repository is for active development of the Azure SDK for .NET. For consumers of the SDK we recommend visiting our public developer docs at https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/azure/ or our versioned developer docs at https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk-for-net.
12 13 mcmonkeyprojects/SwarmUI SwarmUI (formerly StableSwarmUI), A Modular Stable Diffusion Web-User-Interface, with an emphasis on making powertools easily accessible, high performance, and extensibility.
14 GhostPack/Rubeus Trying to tame the three-headed dog.
15 btcpayserver/btcpayserver Accept Bitcoin payments. Free, open-source & self-hosted, Bitcoin payment processor.
5 16 git-ecosystem/git-credential-manager Secure, cross-platform Git credential storage with authentication to GitHub, Azure Repos, and other popular Git hosting services.
17 17 nilaoda/BBDown Bilibili Downloader. 一个命令行式哔哩哔哩下载器.
11 4 18 space-wizards/space-station-14 A multiplayer game about paranoia and chaos on a space station. Remake of the cult-classic Space Station 13.
19 Unity-Technologies/ml-agents The Unity Machine Learning Agents Toolkit (ML-Agents) is an open-source project that enables games and simulations to serve as environments for training intelligent agents using deep reinforcement learning and imitation learning.
3 3 11 20 microsoft/garnet Garnet is a remote cache-store from Microsoft Research that offers strong performance (throughput and latency), scalability, storage, recovery, cluster sharding, key migration, and replication features. Garnet can work with existing Redis clients.


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15 1 ton-blockchain/ton Main TON monorepo
2 kevmo314/scuda SCUDA is a GPU over IP bridge allowing GPUs on remote machines to be attached to CPU-only machines.
3 4 15 13 10 3 facebook/folly An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook.
10 10 3 19 4 facebook/react-native A framework for building native applications using React
16 20 20 4 19 20 2 5 google/googletest GoogleTest - Google Testing and Mocking Framework
23 6 yhirose/cpp-httplib A C++ header-only HTTP/HTTPS server and client library
7 niedev/RTranslator Open source real-time translation app for Android that runs locally
8 borglab/gtsam GTSAM is a library of C++ classes that implement smoothing and mapping (SAM) in robotics and vision, using factor graphs and Bayes networks as the underlying computing paradigm rather than sparse matrices.
7 9 k2-fsa/sherpa-onnx Speech-to-text, text-to-speech, speaker diarization, and VAD using next-gen Kaldi with onnxruntime without Internet connection. Support embedded systems, Android, iOS, HarmonyOS, Raspberry Pi, RISC-V, x86_64 servers, websocket server/client, C/C++, Python, Kotlin, C#, Go, NodeJS, Java, Swift, Dart, JavaScript, Flutter, Object Pascal, Lazarus, Rust
15 10 protocolbuffers/protobuf Protocol Buffers - Google’s data interchange format
5 7 4 11 godotengine/godot Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
12 lich0821/WeChatFerry 微信机器人底层框架,可接入Gemini、ChatGPT、ChatGLM、讯飞星火、Tigerbot等大模型。WeChat Robot Hook.
19 13 TrinityCore/TrinityCore TrinityCore Open Source MMO Framework (master =, 3.3.5 = 3.3.5a.12340, cata classic =
14 microsoft/microsoft-ui-xaml WinUI: a modern UI framework with a rich set of controls and styles to build dynamic and high-performing Windows applications.
22 15 wazuh/wazuh Wazuh - The Open Source Security Platform. Unified XDR and SIEM protection for endpoints and cloud workloads.
17 16 xournalpp/xournalpp Xournal++ is a handwriting notetaking software with PDF annotation support. Written in C++ with GTK3, supporting Linux (e.g. Ubuntu, Debian, Arch, SUSE), macOS and Windows 10. Supports pen input from devices such as Wacom Tablets.
9 22 15 17 tensorflow/tensorflow An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
12 18 facebookresearch/faiss A library for efficient similarity search and clustering of dense vectors.
16 19 project-chip/connectedhomeip Matter (formerly Project CHIP) creates more connections between more objects, simplifying development for manufacturers and increasing compatibility for consumers, guided by the Connectivity Standards Alliance.
14 21 20 swiftlang/swift The Swift Programming Language
21 opencv/opencv Open Source Computer Vision Library
22 Project-OSRM/osrm-backend Open Source Routing Machine - C++ backend
14 16 23 dalathegreat/Battery-Emulator This revolutionary software enables EV battery packs to be easily reused for stationary storage in combination with solar inverters


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12 10 7 1 henrygd/beszel Lightweight server monitoring hub with historical data, docker stats, and alerts.
5 15 2 kgretzky/evilginx2 Standalone man-in-the-middle attack framework used for phishing login credentials along with session cookies, allowing for the bypass of 2-factor authentication
6 22 3 netbirdio/netbird Connect your devices into a secure WireGuard®-based overlay network with SSO, MFA and granular access controls.
4 4 20 4 hashicorp/terraform Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is a source-available tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned.
5 5 apache/answer A Q&A platform software for teams at any scales. Whether it’s a community forum, help center, or knowledge management platform, you can always count on Apache Answer.
9 15 6 sundowndev/phoneinfoga Information gathering framework for phone numbers
21 7 rclone/rclone “rsync for cloud storage” - Google Drive, S3, Dropbox, Backblaze B2, One Drive, Swift, Hubic, Wasabi, Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blob, Azure Files, Yandex Files
2 3 6 7 17 7 2 2 5 14 8 ollama/ollama Get up and running with Llama 3.3, Phi 4, Gemma 2, and other large language models.
9 binwiederhier/ntfy Send push notifications to your phone or desktop using PUT/POST
20 7 17 4 19 10 aquasecurity/trivy Find vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, secrets, SBOM in containers, Kubernetes, code repositories, clouds and more
11 NVIDIA/k8s-device-plugin NVIDIA device plugin for Kubernetes
15 15 12 external-secrets/external-secrets External Secrets Operator reads information from a third-party service like AWS Secrets Manager and automatically injects the values as Kubernetes Secrets.
1 6 3 13 danielmiessler/fabric fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI. It provides a modular framework for solving specific problems using a crowdsourced set of AI prompts that can be used anywhere.
14 openfga/openfga A high performance and flexible authorization/permission engine built for developers and inspired by Google Zanzibar
15 actions/actions-runner-controller Kubernetes controller for GitHub Actions self-hosted runners
16 docker/compose Define and run multi-container applications with Docker
20 17 hashicorp/vault A tool for secrets management, encryption as a service, and privileged access management
12 18 gitleaks/gitleaks Find secrets with Gitleaks 🔑
1 18 1 19 mudler/LocalAI 🤖 The free, Open Source alternative to OpenAI, Claude and others. Self-hosted and local-first. Drop-in replacement for OpenAI, running on consumer-grade hardware. No GPU required. Runs gguf, transformers, diffusers and many more models architectures. Features: Generate Text, Audio, Video, Images, Voice Cloning, Distributed, P2P inference
23 20 valyala/fasthttp Fast HTTP package for Go. Tuned for high performance. Zero memory allocations in hot paths. Up to 10x faster than net/http
21 HavocFramework/Havoc The Havoc Framework
21 22 containers/podman Podman: A tool for managing OCI containers and pods.
23 aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 AWS SDK for the Go programming language.
24 pdfcpu/pdfcpu A PDF processor written in Go.


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1 federico-busato/Modern-CPP-Programming Modern C++ Programming Course (C++03/11/14/17/20/23/26)
12 2 6 1 16 1 1 2 f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT and other LLM tools better.
15 3 boostorg/boost Super-project for modularized Boost
4 1 5 21 2 4 gustavoguanabara/html-css Curso de HTML5 e CSS3
2 13 5 DataDog/documentation The source for Datadog’s documentation site.
8 15 16 6 mdn/learning-area GitHub repo for the MDN Learning Area.
3 13 10 7 12 7 kananinirav/AWS-Certified-Cloud-Practitioner-Notes AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Short Notes And Practice Exams (CLF-C02)
7 5 9 8 rfordatascience/tidytuesday Official repo for the #tidytuesday project
8 3 12 9 wdndev/llm_interview_note 主要记录大语言大模型(LLMs) 算法(应用)工程师相关的知识及面试题
10 opulo-inc/lumenpnp The LumenPnP is an open source pick and place machine.
12 11 microsoft/BotBuilder-Samples Welcome to the Bot Framework samples repository. Here you will find task-focused samples in C#, JavaScript/TypeScript, and Python to help you get started with the Bot Framework SDK!
13 12 wesbos/JavaScript30 30 Day Vanilla JS Challenge
13 DefectDojo/django-DefectDojo DevSecOps, ASPM, Vulnerability Management. All on one platform.
14 platzi/git-github Repositorio del Curso de Git y GitHub
13 15 rdkit/rdkit The official sources for the RDKit library


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20 1 strimzi/strimzi-kafka-operator Apache Kafka® running on Kubernetes
13 7 19 2 NationalSecurityAgency/ghidra Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
13 18 2 7 19 10 6 3 spring-projects/spring-boot Spring Boot helps you to create Spring-powered, production-grade applications and services with absolute minimum fuss.
22 4 PhilJay/MPAndroidChart A powerful 🚀 Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, panning and animations.
15 5 conductor-oss/conductor Conductor is an event driven orchestration platform
6 chainbase-labs/manuscript-core Manuscript is a revolutionary blockchain data streaming framework. With Manuscript, you can seamlessly integrate on-chain and off-chain data into target data storage for unrestricted querying and analysis
19 19 2 5 7 TeamNewPipe/NewPipe A libre lightweight streaming front-end for Android.
8 OpenRefine/OpenRefine OpenRefine is a free, open source power tool for working with messy data and improving it
9 LSPosed/LSPosed LSPosed Framework
3 12 14 10 keycloak/keycloak Open Source Identity and Access Management For Modern Applications and Services
7 12 5 9 6 11 11 spring-projects/spring-framework Spring Framework
10 12 OpenAPITools/openapi-generator OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)
13 13 PojavLauncherTeam/PojavLauncher A Minecraft: Java Edition Launcher for Android and iOS based on Boardwalk. This repository contains source code for Android platform.
13 14 provectus/kafka-ui Open-Source Web UI for Apache Kafka Management
15 iBotPeaches/Apktool A tool for reverse engineering Android apk files
14 16 JetBrains/intellij-community IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition & IntelliJ Platform
9 4 18 9 17 17 dataease/dataease 🔥 人人可用的开源 BI 工具,Tableau、帆软的开源替代。
21 12 18 jenkinsci/jenkins Jenkins automation server
12 19 eugenp/tutorials Getting Started with Spring Boot 3:
5 20 xpipe-io/xpipe Your entire server infrastructure at your fingertips
21 ikarus23/MifareClassicTool An Android NFC app for reading, writing, analyzing, etc. MIFARE Classic RFID tags.
15 22 apache/nifi Apache NiFi


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16 2 1 sampotts/plyr A simple HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo player
1 2 automatisch/automatisch The open source Zapier alternative. Build workflow automation without spending time and money.
8 3 MagicMirrorOrg/MagicMirror MagicMirror² is an open source modular smart mirror platform. With a growing list of installable modules, the MagicMirror² allows you to convert your hallway or bathroom mirror into your personal assistant.
10 18 4 13 16 4 usebruno/bruno Opensource IDE For Exploring and Testing Api’s (lightweight alternative to postman/insomnia)
5 openai/openai-realtime-console React app for inspecting, building and debugging with the Realtime API
17 7 9 14 6 11 6 11 6 vercel/next.js The React Framework
8 7 trekhleb/javascript-algorithms 📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
10 12 8 is-a-dev/register Grab your own sweet-looking ‘.is-a.dev’ subdomain.
3 1 9 twbs/bootstrap The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
3 10 moshang-ax/lottery 🎉🌟✨🎈年会抽奖程序,基于 Express + Three.js的 3D 球体抽奖程序,奖品🧧🎁,文字,图片,抽奖规则均可配置,😜抽奖人员信息Excel一键导入😍,抽奖结果Excel导出😎,给你的抽奖活动带来全新酷炫体验🚀🚀🚀
11 localtunnel/localtunnel expose yourself
12 besuper/TwitchNoSub An extension to watch sub only VOD on Twitch
16 9 13 UseInterstellar/Interstellar One of the most popular modern web proxies with blazing fast speeds and a variety of games.
14 thedevs-network/kutt Free Modern URL Shortener.
11 15 airbnb/javascript JavaScript Style Guide
16 jokob-sk/NetAlertX Network intruder and presence detector. Scans for devices connected to your network and alerts you if new and unknown devices are found.
17 electerm/electerm 📻Terminal/ssh/telnet/serialport/RDP/VNC/sftp client(linux, mac, win)
16 8 9 14 2 18 CodeWithHarry/Sigma-Web-Dev-Course Source Code for Sigma Web Development Course


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2 2 1 vikhyat/moondream tiny vision language model
11 9 3 16 4 1 2 mlabonne/llm-course Course to get into Large Language Models (LLMs) with roadmaps and Colab notebooks.
16 7 14 12 3 datawhalechina/llm-cookbook 面向开发者的 LLM 入门教程,吴恩达大模型系列课程中文版
11 4 3 4 3 2 3 5 9 4 langchain-ai/langchain 🦜🔗 Build context-aware reasoning applications
1 6 2 17 15 1 5 5 ed-donner/llm_engineering Repo to accompany my mastering LLM engineering course
7 13 10 6 ageron/handson-ml3 A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Python using Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow 2.
7 facebookresearch/seamless_communication Foundational Models for State-of-the-Art Speech and Text Translation
7 8 dusty-nv/jetson-containers Machine Learning Containers for NVIDIA Jetson and JetPack-L4T
12 11 17 9 facebookresearch/dinov2 PyTorch code and models for the DINOv2 self-supervised learning method.
12 8 10 NirDiamant/GenAI_Agents This repository provides tutorials and implementations for various Generative AI Agent techniques, from basic to advanced. It serves as a comprehensive guide for building intelligent, interactive AI systems.
15 11 rlabbe/Kalman-and-Bayesian-Filters-in-Python Kalman Filter book using Jupyter Notebook. Focuses on building intuition and experience, not formal proofs. Includes Kalman filters,extended Kalman filters, unscented Kalman filters, particle filters, and more. All exercises include solutions.
12 embeddings-benchmark/mteb MTEB: Massive Text Embedding Benchmark
10 13 12 10 6 8 3 11 13 Pierian-Data/Complete-Python-3-Bootcamp Course Files for Complete Python 3 Bootcamp Course on Udemy
16 14 aws/amazon-sagemaker-examples Example 📓 Jupyter notebooks that demonstrate how to build, train, and deploy machine learning models using 🧠 Amazon SageMaker.
15 SharifiZarchi/Introduction_to_Machine_Learning Machine Learning Course, Sharif University of Technology
2 12 10 16 AI4Finance-Foundation/FinRL FinRL: Financial Reinforcement Learning. 🔥


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7 2 19 13 2 1 nextcloud/server ☁️ Nextcloud server, a safe home for all your data
7 1 1 7 20 2 laravel/framework The Laravel Framework.
8 8 3 matomo-org/matomo Empowering People Ethically with the leading open source alternative to Google Analytics that gives you full control over your data. Matomo lets you easily collect data from websites & apps and visualise this data and extract insights. Privacy is built-in. Liberating Web Analytics. Star us on Github? +1. And we love Pull Requests!
2 9 18 14 18 7 4 DenverCoder1/github-readme-streak-stats 🔥 Stay motivated and show off your contribution streak! 🌟 Display your total contributions, current streak, and longest streak on your GitHub profile README
6 12 5 cedar2025/Xboard 基于V2board二次开发支持新协议新特性的高性能面板
11 4 11 7 18 3 6 snipe/snipe-it A free open source IT asset/license management system
12 3 18 7 2 3 7 10 7 laravel/laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation for your next big idea — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
4 9 11 4 8 8 nextcloud/all-in-one 📦 The official Nextcloud installation method. Provides easy deployment and maintenance with most features included in this one Nextcloud instance.
15 9 YOURLS/YOURLS 🔗 The de facto standard self hosted URL shortener in PHP
16 6 3 14 13 10 WordPress/wordpress-develop WordPress Develop, Git-ified. Synced from git://develop.git.wordpress.org/, including branches and tags! This repository is just a mirror of the WordPress subversion repository. Please include a link to a pre-existing ticket on https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ with every pull request.
20 2 9 6 4 11 symfony/symfony The Symfony PHP framework
12 1 3 3 14 1 6 11 10 16 2 12 filamentphp/filament A collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel. The perfect starting point for your next app. Using Livewire, Alpine.js and Tailwind CSS.
4 5 4 7 13 BookStackApp/BookStack A platform to create documentation/wiki content built with PHP & Laravel
14 pixelfed/pixelfed Photo Sharing. For Everyone.
14 5 12 15 livewire/livewire A full-stack framework for Laravel that takes the pain out of building dynamic UIs.
3 19 11 16 composer/composer Dependency Manager for PHP
3 17 dompdf/dompdf HTML to PDF converter for PHP
18 freescout-help-desk/freescout FreeScout — Free self-hosted help desk & shared mailbox (Zendesk / Help Scout alternative)
14 17 17 19 RSS-Bridge/rss-bridge The RSS feed for websites missing it
5 12 20 PHPMailer/PHPMailer The classic email sending library for PHP
1 1 12 7 5 23 2 21 coollabsio/coolify An open-source & self-hostable Heroku / Netlify / Vercel alternative.


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1 OpenBMB/MiniCPM-o MiniCPM-o 2.6: A GPT-4o Level MLLM for Vision, Speech and Multimodal Live Streaming on Your Phone
13 2 FujiwaraChoki/MoneyPrinterV2 Automate the process of making money online.
3 KoljaB/RealtimeSTT A robust, efficient, low-latency speech-to-text library with advanced voice activity detection, wake word activation and instant transcription.
4 4 harry0703/MoneyPrinterTurbo 利用AI大模型,一键生成高清短视频 Generate short videos with one click using AI LLM.
5 JoshuaC215/agent-service-toolkit Full toolkit for running an AI agent service built with LangGraph, FastAPI and Streamlit
6 dnhkng/GLaDOS This is the Personality Core for GLaDOS, the first steps towards a real-life implementation of the AI from the Portal series by Valve.
7 NVlabs/Sana SANA: Efficient High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Linear Diffusion Transformer
10 8 fixie-ai/ultravox A fast multimodal LLM for real-time voice
3 9 unclecode/crawl4ai 🚀🤖 Crawl4AI: Open-source LLM Friendly Web Crawler & Scraper
10 PriorLabs/TabPFN ⚡ TabPFN: Foundation Model for Tabular Data ⚡
11 nautechsystems/nautilus_trader A high-performance algorithmic trading platform and event-driven backtester
12 marimo-team/marimo A reactive notebook for Python — run reproducible experiments, execute as a script, deploy as an app, and version with git.
13 Chainlit/chainlit Build Conversational AI in minutes ⚡️
7 14 NVIDIA/nv-ingest NVIDIA Ingest is an early access set of microservices for parsing hundreds of thousands of complex, messy unstructured PDFs and other enterprise documents into metadata and text to embed into retrieval systems.
3 15 getomni-ai/zerox PDF to Markdown with vision models
12 16 feder-cr/Jobs_Applier_AI_Agent Auto_Jobs_Applier_AI_Agent aims to easy job hunt process by automating the job application process. Utilizing artificial intelligence, it enables users to apply for multiple jobs in an tailored way.
17 hiroi-sora/Umi-OCR OCR software, free and offline. 开源、免费的离线OCR软件。支持截屏/批量导入图片,PDF文档识别,排除水印/页眉页脚,扫描/生成二维码。内置多国语言库。
9 18 hiyouga/LLaMA-Factory Unified Efficient Fine-Tuning of 100+ LLMs & VLMs (ACL 2024)


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4 1 3 1 Freika/dawarich Self-hosted alternative to Google Location History (Google Maps Timeline)
16 3 19 11 2 spree/spree An open source eCommerce platform giving you full control and customizability. Modular and API-first. Multi-vendor, multi-tenant, multi-store, multi-currency, multi-language. Built using Ruby on Rails. Developed by @vendo-dev
5 2 6 3 Homebrew/brew 🍺 The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)
8 12 13 10 25 8 11 3 9 5 5 4 chatwoot/chatwoot Open-source live-chat, email support, omni-channel desk. An alternative to Intercom, Zendesk, Salesforce Service Cloud etc. 🔥💬
5 6 16 15 1 6 4 5 mastodon/mastodon Your self-hosted, globally interconnected microblogging community
13 1 11 9 20 10 4 19 6 discourse/discourse A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.
7 7 ubicloud/ubicloud Open source alternative to AWS. Elastic compute, block storage (non replicated), firewall and load balancer, managed Postgres, and IAM services in public beta.
8 Homebrew/homebrew-bundle 📦 Bundler for non-Ruby dependencies from Homebrew, Homebrew Cask and the Mac App Store.
7 1 4 13 14 19 2 9 huginn/huginn Create agents that monitor and act on your behalf. Your agents are standing by!
17 2 10 10 zammad/zammad Zammad is a web based open source helpdesk/customer support system
6 24 15 2 11 8 14 11 Shopify/liquid Liquid markup language. Safe, customer facing template language for flexible web apps.
14 15 12 forem/forem For empowering community 🌱
12 14 8 13 dependabot/dependabot-core 🤖 Dependabot’s core logic for creating update PRs.
15 5 14 citation-style-language/styles Official repository for Citation Style Language (CSL) citation styles.
15 Cute-Dress/Dress 好耶 是女装
12 20 16 redmine/redmine Mirror of redmine code source - Official Subversion repository is at https://svn.redmine.org/redmine - contact: @vividtone or maeda (at) farend (dot) jp
2 16 17 basecamp/kamal Deploy web apps anywhere.
1 16 2 6 1 18 kilimchoi/engineering-blogs A curated list of engineering blogs
12 17 10 19 instructure/canvas-lms The open LMS by Instructure, Inc.
16 2 3 12 14 7 20 hashicorp/vagrant Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing development environments.
18 19 8 18 7 21 DataDog/dd-trace-rb Datadog Tracing Ruby Client
4 15 22 CocoaPods/CocoaPods The Cocoa Dependency Manager.


20241014 20241021 20241028 20241104 20241111 20241118 20241125 20241202 20241209 20241216 20241223 20241230 20250106 20250113 20250120 github description
19 16 1 TabbyML/tabby Self-hosted AI coding assistant
3 2 mufeedvh/code2prompt A CLI tool to convert your codebase into a single LLM prompt with source tree, prompt templating, and token counting.
10 16 22 3 YaLTeR/niri A scrollable-tiling Wayland compositor.
11 4 quickwit-oss/quickwit Cloud-native search engine for observability. An open-source alternative to Datadog, Elasticsearch, Loki, and Tempo.
1 18 5 tw93/Pake 🤱🏻 Turn any webpage into a desktop app with Rust. 🤱🏻 利用 Rust 轻松构建轻量级多端桌面应用
8 17 6 mainmatter/100-exercises-to-learn-rust A self-paced course to learn Rust, one exercise at a time.
7 google/comprehensive-rust This is the Rust course used by the Android team at Google. It provides you the material to quickly teach Rust.
8 esp-rs/esp-hal no_std Hardware Abstraction Layers for ESP32 microcontrollers
12 2 2 9 astral-sh/uv An extremely fast Python package and project manager, written in Rust.
18 10 AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy-Cloud AppFlowy is an open-source alternative to Notion. You are in charge of your data and customizations. Built with Flutter and Rust.
17 11 paradedb/paradedb Postgres for Search and Analytics
7 17 17 10 12 3 7 12 helix-editor/helix A post-modern modal text editor.
13 ilya-zlobintsev/LACT Linux GPU Configuration Tool
6 22 16 14 MystenLabs/sui Sui, a next-generation smart contract platform with high throughput, low latency, and an asset-oriented programming model powered by the Move programming language
15 15 tracel-ai/burn Burn is a new comprehensive dynamic Deep Learning Framework built using Rust with extreme flexibility, compute efficiency and portability as its primary goals.
16 delta-io/delta-rs A native Rust library for Delta Lake, with bindings into Python
7 17 paritytech/polkadot-sdk The Parity Polkadot Blockchain SDK
6 18 18 qdrant/qdrant Qdrant - High-performance, massive-scale Vector Database and Vector Search Engine for the next generation of AI. Also available in the cloud https://cloud.qdrant.io/
6 21 25 19 sharkdp/fd A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to ‘find’
24 15 20 quickwit-oss/tantivy Tantivy is a full-text search engine library inspired by Apache Lucene and written in Rust
21 piotrostr/listen Solana Swiss Army Knife
22 ClementTsang/bottom Yet another cross-platform graphical process/system monitor.
23 24 23 gfx-rs/wgpu A cross-platform, safe, pure-Rust graphics API.
24 cube-js/cube 📊 Cube — Universal semantic layer platform for AI, BI, spreadsheets, and embedded analytics


20241014 20241021 20241028 20241104 20241111 20241118 20241125 20241202 20241209 20241216 20241223 20241230 20250106 20250113 20250120 github description
7 4 3 3 5 5 6 11 1 8 1 nvm-sh/nvm Node Version Manager - POSIX-compliant bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
14 6 1 13 2 mylinuxforwork/dotfiles The ML4W Dotfiles for Hyprland - An advanced and full-featured configuration for the dynamic tiling window manager Hyprland including an easy to use installation script for Arch and Fedora based Linux distributions.
3 4 6 3 ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh 🙃 A delightful community-driven (with 2,400+ contributors) framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes 300+ optional plugins (rails, git, macOS, hub, docker, homebrew, node, php, python, etc), 140+ themes to spice up your morning, and an auto-update tool that makes it easy to keep up with the latest updates from the community.
4 inkonchain/node How to run an Ink Node
4 2 1 2 5 bluesky-social/pds Bluesky PDS (Personal Data Server) container image, compose file, and documentation
3 20 7 6 7 6 termux/termux-packages A package build system for Termux.
12 7 bioconda/bioconda-recipes Conda recipes for the bioconda channel.
11 8 chaifeng/ufw-docker To fix the Docker and UFW security flaw without disabling iptables
3 10 8 8 7 9 acmesh-official/acme.sh A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol
7 10 14 1 12 3 10 kodekloudhub/certified-kubernetes-administrator-course Certified Kubernetes Administrator - CKA Course
11 rbenv/rbenv Manage your app’s Ruby environment
12 3 7 15 12 google/oss-fuzz OSS-Fuzz - continuous fuzzing for open source software.
13 13 bitnami/containers Bitnami container images
9 14 conda-forge/miniforge A conda-forge distribution.
15 jenv/jenv Manage your Java environment
3 5 7 5 8 4 16 prasanthrangan/hyprdots // Aesthetic, dynamic and minimal dots for Arch hyprland
17 InfinityLoop1308/PipePipe A FLOSS Android app to let you browse YouTube, NicoNico and BiliBili freely.
18 ChrisTitusTech/linutil Chris Titus Tech’s Linux Toolbox - Linutil is a distro-agnostic toolbox designed to simplify everyday Linux tasks.


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11 2 1 Canner/WrenAI 🤖 Open-source GenBI AI Agent that empowers data-driven teams to chat with their data to generate Text-to-SQL, charts, spreadsheets, reports, and BI. 📈📊📋🧑‍💻
10 2 BuilderIO/gpt-crawler Crawl a site to generate knowledge files to create your own custom GPT from a URL
3 RealKai42/qwerty-learner 为键盘工作者设计的单词记忆与英语肌肉记忆锻炼软件 / Words learning and English muscle memory training software designed for keyboard workers
19 4 webstudio-is/webstudio Open source website builder and Webflow alternative. Webstudio is an advanced visual builder that connects to any headless CMS, supports all CSS properties, and can be hosted anywhere, including with us.
6 5 16 5 5 kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
20 6 shadcn-ui/ui Beautifully designed components that you can copy and paste into your apps. Accessible. Customizable. Open Source.
15 9 7 ItzCrazyKns/Perplexica Perplexica is an AI-powered search engine. It is an Open source alternative to Perplexity AI
8 Dokploy/dokploy Open Source Alternative to Vercel, Netlify and Heroku.
15 7 16 4 9 Nutlope/llamacoder Open source Claude Artifacts – built with Llama 3.1 405B
10 mermaid-js/mermaid Generation of diagrams like flowcharts or sequence diagrams from text in a similar manner as markdown
7 17 16 11 excalidraw/excalidraw Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
11 17 7 12 9 14 11 12 n8n-io/n8n Fair-code workflow automation platform with native AI capabilities. Combine visual building with custom code, self-host or cloud, 400+ integrations.
13 Budibase/budibase Create business apps and automate workflows in minutes. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, MSSQL, MongoDB, Rest API, Docker, K8s, and more 🚀 No code / Low code platform..
14 lightdash/lightdash Self-serve BI to 10x your data team ⚡️
15 vercel/ai Build AI-powered applications with React, Svelte, Vue, and Solid
11 16 sipeed/NanoKVM NanoKVM: Affordable, Multifunctional, Nano RISC-V IP-KVM
17 actions/checkout Action for checking out a repo
6 18 calcom/cal.com Scheduling infrastructure for absolutely everyone.
19 mattermost-community/focalboard Focalboard is an open source, self-hosted alternative to Trello, Notion, and Asana.
6 7 6 1 20 bluesky-social/atproto Social networking technology created by Bluesky
11 18 17 19 21 FlowiseAI/Flowise Drag & drop UI to build your customized LLM flow
22 puppeteer/puppeteer JavaScript API for Chrome and Firefox
23 th-ch/youtube-music YouTube Music Desktop App bundled with custom plugins (and built-in ad blocker / downloader)


20241014 20241021 20241028 20241104 20241111 20241118 20241125 20241202 20241209 20241216 20241223 20241230 20250106 20250113 20250120 github description
1 steven2358/awesome-generative-ai A curated list of modern Generative Artificial Intelligence projects and services
3 2 emmabostian/developer-portfolios A list of developer portfolios for your inspiration
6 3 pluja/awesome-privacy Awesome Privacy - A curated list of services and alternatives that respect your privacy because PRIVACY MATTERS.
8 12 10 1 3 4 practical-tutorials/project-based-learning Curated list of project-based tutorials
5 owainlewis/awesome-artificial-intelligence A curated list of Artificial Intelligence (AI) courses, books, video lectures and papers.
6 zhanymkanov/fastapi-best-practices FastAPI Best Practices and Conventions we used at our startup
10 7 free-educa/books o armazém de livros
10 12 8 getcursor/cursor The AI Code Editor
12 2 9 deepseek-ai/awesome-deepseek-integration
15 10 10 ossu/computer-science 🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!